One of the few things on earth that comes between mr dd and I may surprise you: vines. Not vineyards... no... although he probably wouldn't be excited about the prospect of taking care of vineyards or growing them against the side of our house - like they do in Germany and France.
I've realized of late that there may be some history here.... because I grew up with an ancient wisteria bush beside our house. It bloomed every year and the base of the plant consisted of vines as thick as a tree trunk. It was an amazing specimen that wrapped itself around an old swingset that hadn't been used for several generations.
My father ran amuck at some point while I was away at university... probably dealing with issues of control... but I can't remember if it was before or after my Mom left home... the result was he had the wisteria vine and most everything else growing on that side of the property taken out. It appalled me to discover this and there was nothing that could be done. I couldn't cry or pout or yell. I just accepted the fact that he would never "get" why I was so upset. NOW, I worry that mr dd is much the same. We go round and round over the Virginia Creeper and whenever I am away he'll pull it down. Virginia Creeper is a desirable decorative vine that gardeners CULTIVATE in Europe and train to cover their property. It is perhaps more desirable than ivy since it doesn't attach as strongly and work its way into grout.
SO - while I worked in Germany last month I photographed every building, ancient or new, which featured trained ivy or creeper and would email them to mr dd - who loves all things german and french. All of my neighbors poo poo my love of the vine - and strangers feel compelled to tell me how "bad" it is for the structure of our home and I just look at them and want to ask them where they live and how old their house is.
One of the highlights of the 4th of July happened when we arrived at a cookout to see the side of the hosts' home covered with ivy.... a host who mr dd has a great deal of respect for...(!)
I said, "sweetheart, please come over here, I want to show you something!"
He walks over and lean my head toward the wall. He looks and says: "Ivy." I said yes, "Ivy!"
The wife of host walks over and asks what is wrong and said - "oh, everything is right!" and I explained our vine dilemna. She said mr host had researched it and as long as the ivy doesn't get into your woodwork the house is fine... mr dd said: "Oh."
I love discovering simple pleasures in unexpected places!
Labels: domesticity, garden, neighbors