There is a point in time where we all change. We learn the world isn't what we thought it was... that people lie, talk the talk, deceive, use, manipulate, that life isn't fair. My friend's, mr and mrs. boss (they called each other boss) told me when I reached the age of 30 they would tell me the big secret of life. Never mind the fact that P. was just a few years older than me... but that Mr. Boss was 15 years older than her... so maybe there was something he knew that I didn't know yet. I really thought I was an adult in my 20's - after all my mother had three babies by the time she was 25.
When I hit 30 they told me: "There is no difference between right and wrong in this world."
Of course I knew this... really....after all I was a child during the watergate years!
This truth is really something people learn early in life... its survival after all. One fall several years ago I asked a number of artist friends to write or tell their stories about this truth... to tell me when their world changed, when it was different than it was the day before. Some told stories of the realization of racism, sex, justice and hipocracy. Some learned they were adopted. Others learned that friends of their parents thought of them as sexual objects - whatever.
The apples above represent these stories... all fruit from the tree of knowledge. Please tell us your story, the time you lost your innocence... for art, for truth, for redemption. You can post it anonymously if you want. Truth is truth, regardless of the writer.
Labels: c'est la vie, time, vice