Krewe of FEMA parades a day late and a dollar short on Ash Wednesday

I find signs of hope in odd places, I suppose. I heard this on WWOZ today, streaming it all day and night now that my WIFI is working again - and it gave me great cause for cheer and optimism on this glorious Ash Wednesday. There are church bells ringing out my window here in Paris but in fifteen minutes or so the Krewe of FEMA will parade down New Orleans streets and have a thing or two to proclaim and celebrate - like we ain't gone, we ain't forgotten and we ain't going anywhere.
Wish I knew the French translation for that. It would likely sound much more profound to those of you who don't have an ear for n'awlins drawl...part cajun, part Brooklyn and probably lots of alcohol at this point.
I've just returned from a beautiful mass at Saint Gervais, my favorite church in Paris. I hope my sympathy for the devil in New Orleans won't detract from all the moral fortitude and pleas for mercy I felt during this very devout service. I haven't a clue as to what they are saying but when the monks and the sisters sing the sound is heavenly.