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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Looking for a point

This photograph was taken at my Aunt Mary Pearl's earlier this summer. She is 87. She had a double mastectomy last year and just earlier this month had to have surgery again because a brown recluse spider bit her on her breast bone. She has lived in the same house for over 50 years. She has raised her niece as her daughter, buried her son and her husband and been the matriarch for 14 siblings in her lifetime. She is still beautiful. She still drives although she suffers from a little dementia these days. Her daughter Bettye Maude lives with her. You can get a little taste of their life if you read a slender autobiography Bettye wrote that is available on Bettye is very eccentric...very talented. She is a lot like Forest Gump in that way. They amaze me.

I have been blue all week for reasons that are so awful and meaningless and typical of a someone like me. Still, its real. I plug along waiting for the tide to turn... doing what I can to be productive, to make money, to prepare for January.


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