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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

moi mamaw

My grandmother is 87 years old today. She's a tough bird, as described in the link embedded in the title to this post. Her father, who I never met, is described as being a lot like her - very ornery as he crept into his 80's. My Dad said he would bitch and complain all the time but was always productive. He would sit on the back porch and snap peas and kill flies with a fly swatter (He called it a fly flapper!) After he finished snapping peas he would collect all the flies and feed them to the chickens!

My grandmother is so ornery because she spends her days sitting under flurescent lights with a
drop ceiling and a TV set. She uses a walker to get to her meals and she plays bingo several days a week. She wins a lot and always gives the money back!

I called her today to wish her Happy Birthday. She's a little deaf but we had a great conversation anyway. She's always inspired me to be a better gardener (I am a lazy gardener) but I must admit I love it. She would be less ornery and feel better if she could garden... if she could put her hands in the dirt. She told my dad she felt closest to God when her hands were in the soil. I love that about her.

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Blogger darkfoam said...

Happy Birthday to your mamaw! I can't help but think of your mamaw and the time when Mr Foam accidentally left the horses out of the pasture........hehehehehehe......and then of course I think of your dad and my beloved mr foam and your dad driving around in the big N. mobile chasing down those horses.....heheheheh
ps...i wish you're mamaw could still garden.

4/04/2007 5:46 PM  
Blogger darkfoam said...

you seem to have a wrong link where it says "as described in the post"..

4/04/2007 5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the link tool seems to be malfunctioing. I can't get it to work so I've deleted it. Just click on the title to the post to see the link I was trying to make.

Oh, that was an afternoon... a true dd/foam clan exchange. You guys passed the test. Lets do it again!

4/06/2007 9:21 AM  

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