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Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Spasmatics

No, not the band. The couple. We have no children. We have two cats. The burning desire that kept us going in our youth has wanned into slow burning coals that flicker now and then according to the winds of change and expectation.

Somehow we lost this weekend. We can't blame Katrina or a huge fight or family distress... we have no one to blame. The snow day through me for a loop but I can't blame that. My beloved had a biopsy taken from his thigh on Thursday... probably nothing serious... that may have contributed to our brain fart.

We had great plans that were important to us. A black tie party with friends/art collectors, a party to watch the boat parade on the river, a Sunday morning guest speaking engagement in front of a bunch of cool Unitarians. We realized we missed seeing the boat immediately after it passed, or in the most recent incidence, when someone called from the Unitarian Church this morning looking for my husband, the scheduled speaker!

He was HORRIFIED. He mentioned it on Friday morning but since then he had completely forgotten. Luckily, the Unitarians do their thing very close to home. He ran out the door, looking more like he was planning on raking leaves than speaking to a congregation on a Sunday morning...but the Unitarians should love that. They are humble folk and Mr. Spaz will be talking about the theatre so maybe they'll think he is playing the part of a maintennance worker.


Blogger ..................... said...

So, email me about this biopsy. You do know that on our side of the family brain farts seem to be genetic. Or is it just an aberration in us?

12/11/2005 3:25 PM  
Blogger Champurrado said...

Well, actually, farting from the void between one's ears has a long, evenly distributed history. Most cultures suffer from periodic brain flatulence in one form of another. As between couples, the condition only worsens - primarily on the male side, I might add.

12/12/2005 3:08 PM  
Blogger "" said...

Oh, I think we are equal opportunity brain farters in this family. I wish someone would come up with a supplement for the condition that not only works but will also remind me to take it.

12/13/2005 2:06 PM  

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